So why do my eyes keep watering? {sniffle}.
Here's why. Change, good or bad, is never easy, and that's part of it- a lot of change happening in a short period of time, but I think the hardest part is knowing that she's going to get 'owies', or hurt feelings, or just go in those quiet moods, and I'm not going to be there to hold her until it's all better. That's the part of having my Kindergartener grow up that I struggle with. That's life, right?
Well, here she is, loving life as a Kindergartener.
Teah wanted to wear her dress with flowers and brown leggings, and her sandals from Aunt Jill. She wanted her hair in pig tails with a 'headband braid'.
She found her spot at her table, and got busy writing her name.
Her teacher, Mrs. Law, had them fill in these posters, and I loved Teah's answers and artwork. When she grows up she initially put 'a doctor', but after a couple WSU volleyball games, she had to cross out doctor and put (no, not a volleyball player, heaven forbid.) 'a cheerleader'.